Visiting Living Word Fellowship


Visiting Living Word Fellowship


Sunday School 9:30-10:15 am

Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am-12:00 noon

Nursery Care provided

1150 W. Pioneer Avenue, Porterville

Across from Westfield Elementary School, just off Hwy 65

Please Check Events Calendar for mid-week Bible studies


When you walk into Living Word Fellowship Church for the first time, you will be greeted by warm, friendly faces. We welcome you to worship God and hear what He has revealed to us through the teaching of the Bible.  The worship service starts right at 10:30 AM, usually with a reading from God's Word, followed by congregational singing. Children are welcome to attend the worship service, but there is also nursery care for children aged 4 and under, a private room for nursing mothers, and an overflow room with a livestream of the service. 

You are also invited to attend our Sunday School classes from 9:30-10:15 am. There are age-appropriate classes for adults, youth, and children. Nursery care is also available. 

Typical attire is business casual for a farming community. Most men wear nice denim and a button-down shirt. Women's clothing ranges from denim to dresses. Be comfortable, but mindful of reverence for God.

If you have any questions, please call the church office Monday-Thursday 8:00-5:00 (559) 781-0922 or visit us on a Sunday morning and get your questions answered face-to-face.


 We strive to consistently teach the Word of God in a way that allows it to speak for itself, exposing you to its truths and encouraging you to dig deeper beyond our Sunday morning service.

 We believe the Bible is God's revelation to us, telling us everything we need to know about who God is, what He has done, and His plan for rescuing people from the judgment of rebelling against a holy God. Our pastors spend much of their time studying the Word of God preparing to give the meaning that God intended in each passage, then connecting its meaning to our lives in the 21st century. A typical sermon lasts 45 minutes.

 We usually go through a book of the Bible, preaching verse by verse, so we can understand the whole counsel of God’s Word. We will also spend several weeks in a teaching series building a biblical perspective on certain topics.


 We believe that music is an important tool that helps us ascribe worth to God. It also prepares us to listen to Him as we study the Word. Christian songwriters of every generation have added stylistic and literary distinctives to church music, unified in their worship of God. As a result, a typical Sunday includes modern worship songs and some of the best historical works of the church.


 Individual giving is a form of worship; it should be done joyously, freely, generously and without external compulsion. Consequently, we take no offerings during our service. Instead, we provide offering boxes at various locations so that all who desire to worship God through giving can do so freely and privately. Online giving is also available through this website.

 We do not want to hinder spiritual growth by resorting to man-made fundraising techniques that place people under pressure to give or create false guilt. Rather, we desire to provide everyone with the opportunity to give voluntarily.


You are welcome to stay after the service and get to know the church members. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the church or how to have a saving relationship with God through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday.