


Biblical Discipleship and Counseling

At LWF discipleship is a way of life. Jesus commanded his followers to help other people become followers (disciples) of the Lord Jesus Christ by trusting Him for salvation and learning to obey all that He has commanded in the Bible. Discipleship is one Christian helping another to find hope and the answers to life’s daily issues in the truth of God's Word.  

You will find other people just like you at LWF, who will be willing to spend some time with you, to get to know you and become your friend in seeking a growing relationship with God. 


Biblical counseling is a more specific and directed form of discipleship where God’s Word is unpackaged and applied in a practical way. We believe that the Bible is the believer’s guidebook for life and is able to bring real lasting change when its truths are followed out of love for God and not just behavior modification.

There are many devoted and caring believers at LWF who continue to grow in the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God and His Word that are available for you to meet with and begin to grow a life-long relationship with Jesus, the wise and loving Counselor of man’s soul.

Do you want to find out more about discipleship and counseling? Just call our church office and either Ruth Solis or Pastor Ken Rollans will let us know that you are interested. You will be amazed at what God will do as you rely on Him and the wealth of wisdom that His Word contains!  

LWF Church Office - 559-781-0922

Church Office Hours - Monday thru Thursday 8 am to 5 pm

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