We believe the Bible teaches that the local church should be governed by a plurality of biblically qualified elders (1 Timothy 3:1-9; Titus 1:5-9). All elders are pastors (overseers) of the church. The Bible also makes provision for the church to financially support set-aside pastors who dedicate their time to studying the scriptures and managing the day-to-day operations of the church. The elders meet once a month for prayer, studying the Scriptures together, and making decisions about the ministries of the church. All decisions are made unanimously. The Bible, along with the LWF "We Teach" document and the church constitution, guide the decision-making process of the elder board and promotes unity.
Here is a list of our current pastor-elders:
Ken Rollans, Lead Teaching Pastor
Ray Amos, Administrative Pastor
Craig Bowser
Ken Hanggi
Scott Mabs
Tom Madon